Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Training

Our Thanksgiving became somewhat comical when our oven broke the night before Turkey Day. It made it a little more challenging to cook and hold onto that feeling of gratitude but overall it was a great day. It was a day that reminded us of the real things in life to be thankful for- friends, family and blessings from a loving Father in Heaven. It reminded me of my own running... maybe not picture perfect but I sure am grateful that I have the ability to work at it and it comes together at the end to make a beautiful experience.
We had a 7 plus mile run that week. We had Rick drop us off out of town and we made the run home. Most of the way we were on a trail but did venture off of it during the last part. One of the obstacles that we are facing right now is that Manda's skills are so much ahead of my own. The more we train, the faster she gets and I seem to stay at the same speed. I am filled with guilt that I am holding her back from achieving her potential. She assures me that I am not holding her back and that she chooses to go at a slower speed because she just loves me that much and enjoys making the journey together. I do love her kind heart.
Only rarely does she get into a mode of complaining about things, she really is usually an optomist at heart. However, this long run happened to be one of those rare moments. This is when I found that her speed was a blessing... I commanded her to run ahead of me and not let me hold her back! =)She did as I asked and ended up doing the last part of the run with a friend as I trailed behind. For her, the seven miles seemed pretty easy and seemed to pass by quickly. For me, it was a little more challenging but I was able to finish it. She kept saying "Wow, that wasn't bad at all- I could of kept going a lot further". I was just grateful to have finished. Proving once more, that she really is an optomist and strong. I guess it doesn't matter that she is so much stronger than me. The real lesson is that we found the courage to do what we set out to do, helped eachother get started, kept an eye on eachother and were there at the end to say, "Well done". I guess I will just have to swallow some pride and let her inspire me to keep going and count my many blessings that she is always at the finish line encouraging me, and return the encouragement in any way that I can.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekly Wrap Up- Two Big Accomplishments!

Our last run this week was a 5-miler. Not bad, I have several of those under my belt now and I wasn't worried about it. I don't know what happened this week, but it was the hardest 5 mile run I have done, at least in the beginning. It was bad. We had decided to go on a route that has become one of our favorites and we are trying to take advantage of it before the snow starts to hit and it isn't available. It started out in a small town that is nestled in the rolling hills and has some tremendous scenery, the trail itself is therapeutic just to look around and enjoy the view and the fresh smell of the trees. Usually I can lose myself in the scenery and forget about the trail being a gentle incline for the first 2 miles. This time my legs would not let me forget the incline. Before we even hit the 1 mile mark I was ready to quit and I might add that I was even going slower than my normal snail pace. Quite honestly, had my running partner not been with me and telling me to stop whining I probably would have quit. I stopped jogging for a couple steps and she was riding my tail and told me, "You can walk for a minute when we get the the 2 1/2 mile mark, until then get going". Wow... I have created a monster!
I struggled, I hated it, I was irritated with the little punk pushing me along but I kept going. By the time we arrived at the point that I was "allowed" to walk for a minute I honestly didn't feel the need to walk but due to my rebellious nature I did it just to spite my running partner who just kept going on without me. I mean, who was she to tell ME, the parent, that I needed to buck up and keep going? I know... I need to grow up! I only walked for possibly- one minute to a minute and a half and then got over my rebellion and made myself jog again. The magic that seems to always happen had arrived. I just can't emphasize enough how hard that first mile is for me, every time! This run just was EXTRA hard, more than usual but as my experience has proven time and time again, it gets easier if I keep going.
Had Manda not pushed me I wouldn't have accomplished MY BIG MOMENTS of the week. A few weeks ago we were on a run and passed by a lady going the opposite direction on the trail who was jogging at a pretty good pace while talking on her cell phone. I was in awe that anyone could talk on the phone and jog at the same time. Heck, I am in awe if I can talk at all and jog at the same time. I know that some people say they sing to help them keep rhythm... that is way beyond my comprehension still. I can only breathe in and out and I am doing good to do that much! Then it happened, my phone rang, and I saw that it was my husband who has been out of town all week, so I picked it up. I ran for the next 10 minutes or so talking on the phone and it wasn't bad at all. Silly accomplishment for some people I realize, monumental for me. It was a great moment.
Second Accomplishment came shortly after hanging up with my husband. I took the lead (which I never have) and felt strong. I picked up my pace and could breathe through it quite easily. Then I heard those powerfully magic words that I never thought I would hear, "MOM, what is your deal, why are you going so FAST? Could you please slow down a little?" Can you believe it? The words "MOM" and "FAST" in the same sentence!!! Shocking, I know. I found a little pleasure in the fact that the little punk that was pushing me along when I wanted to quit (thank goodness.. I really am grateful for her) was now telling me to slow down. It was a good run.


In all fairness, I must confess that Manda did finish the run in front of me (Way in front of me!). By the end I could feel a blister coming on in the outer part of my arch (weird place, huh?) and was upset with my "new shoes" again. I have decided that I am going to bite the bullet and hit the stores once more in search of a better fit. I wish I could blame the blister on her finishing in front of me but I can't. The little twerp found the energy to sprint at the end. Gosh, she is annoying. =)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

9 Week Countdown

We only have 9 weeks left before the marathon. I am actually pretty excited, not even nervous at this point, as long as we stay on our training schedule. No injuries would be helpful as well! =)
We had a few minor challenges this week so far but nothing too terrible. The wind was an interesting challenge. Manda and I took a run and on the way to our half way point where we turn around we were saying how great the run was going. After our half way point we just stayed next to each other and laughed about how well we thought our run had been going. When we turned around we realized that the entire way to the half way point we had the wind pushing against our back. You don't really realize how windy it is until you start running against it. I couldn't believe the challenge that the wind created. It seriously felt as if I had to push something in order to run. I just kept telling myself not to get worked up about it and concentrate on my breathing pattern and making my legs move. It was hard but we finished without stopping. It was a good feeling to know that we just conquered one more run.
The next run for this week I learned another important lesson. Caution: This one is a little more awkward- read at your own risk! =) Let me just say that I was introduced to the world of chafing. OUCH! When Manda and I did our triathlon and had to run after swimming, poor Manda was introduced to it. I am WAY more sympathetic to what she went through now. I made the mistake of wearing loose fitting cotton garments and loose fitting jogging pants on our last run... won't do that one again. For my LDS friends, there is a reason that I usually only wear one kind of under garment- they are a blessing! =) Good garments, gold bond and I hear body glide are a girls best friend!
On a good note- my new shoes are finally broken in! They no longer hurt my toes when I run. Yay... but I still miss my old shoes, they were amazing. I have to say that my Adidas were definitely more of a custom fit from the beginning to my feet than the Nike's have been. But I am just grateful that we are past the pain.
Manda and I are thinking about ordering running shoes with spikes on them to get us through the winter... anyone have any experience with those? We can also train indoors on the treadmill, but we have grown to love running outdoors so much that we really want to stay away from the treadmill as much as we can. However, when the temp drops below 30's, I think I am heading indoors.
I am excited to hear that a couple more friends are joining the jogging madness. It feels so great! Make sure to keep me updated on how you are doing. Have a great week and see ya on the trail!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Balance Beam Called Life

When I was a young girl, I loved gymnastics. I could eat, sleep and drink it. I loved to run, twirl, bounce, flip, roll, tumble, stretch, bend and split. I loved to watch something and then try it. There were a few times that I was lucky enough to go to clinics or classes that had such splendid things as a balancing beam. Growing up in a small town and being such a country girl, the balance beam was just pure fanciful delight that was not commonplace in my world. I remember getting up on it and wondering how people were so precise and skilled to land difficult moves on such a narrow piece of wood? It amazed me.
Today I find myself just as astonished and in awe of people who seem to manage their lives so skillfully. I still feel like that small town country girl in love with gymnastics, staring at the balance beam amazed and yet fearful of falling and getting hurt while attempting a routine. I have decided that just like that balance beam that I would watch others use and make it look effortless during a performance, the reality is that it took a lot of practice and a lot of falls in order to master... such is life. The real athletes just had to get past the fall (or at least the fear of the fall) and go for it. If they fall they just pick themselves up, evaluate where they went wrong to prevent it from happening again or work harder at making their body obey their mind and climb right back on.
It is a myth to think that you can just jump on that balance beam and never make a mistake or take a fall. This is life. It is hard to find the balance that we need and it takes a lot of practice, skill and determination to master. A few weeks ago I took a pretty good fall from the beam when I found out that our marathon registration was closed. We were discouraged then life came at us in full force. Manda ran a fever for 7 days straight, a couple of the kids got sick with fever and throwing up, 3 callings in church demanded some attention, a fall harvest that needed cared for, one very demanding school schedule that screamed for more attention and a house that sobbed for pity and upkeep from its caretaker all overtook my training schedule that felt pretty hopeless anyway.
When an email came the other day stating that it looks like we will be able to get into the Texas Marathon after all, my first impulse was to scorn myself with the "See, you should have listened to your feelings, you big Idiot" talk and chastising myself for not sticking to the original plan and continue training for the full marathon on January 1st. After contemplating for awhile, I decided to allow myself to learn a life lesson instead and pick myself up once again. I am not going to be too hard on myself for not being ready for a full marathon on January 1st, instead I am going to recognize that it is still tremendous progress to run a half marathon on January 1st and continue to work towards a full marathon later in the spring. I am on a path, I am in training.
It is too easy to get caught in the routine of the life of a mother, wife, daughter and every other role that we take on. There has to be a balance in order to win. Too often I have witnessed those who completely succeed in one area only to give up success in another area. I have seen people who are spiritual giants who neglect the care of their physical bodies. I have seen people who win the fight over their physical body to only lose their spirituality. I have seen people who become so obsessed with book study and education that lose sight of faith and I have seen those who have practiced such blind faith that they do not work at gaining knowledge. I admit, there are times that we have to sit back and evaluate and ask ourselves, "What really is important and what do we want to focus on?". Sometimes that even requires taking something else off the list. But chances are that our list of priorities can still seem bigger than our allotment of time. I think this is where that skill, determination and practice can come in and help us to climb back on that balance beam of life or let it defeat us.
I have found myself asking, "What it is that I want to focus on?". I also have compiled a list that can seem overwhelming. The truth is that I don't want to be a successful runner enough to sacrifice my family, faith or country. I want to be there for my children and create the warm, loving home and family that they need and the family that I have always envisioned. I want to serve my Heavenly Father and find time to feed myself spiritually because I do not feel that my life would have very deep meaning if my body were strong and my spirit were weak. I want to serve in my community and country because I believe that it is my responsibility as a citizen to create the community that I desire not the role of a government. I also want to honor the gift of life and strenghten my body and this requires me to take time to care for it as well. How is this possible to accomplish so much? I admit I do not have all the answers yet, but I also must say that it is my deep belief that if God has planted this seed in me and it will produce good fruit, He will also help me to find the answers that I need in order to succeed. I am going to practice, find the life coaches that I need, pick myself up when I fall and hop back on that balance beam we call life. I want to master this routine!

How can I combine some of my to-do list to be more successful? I feel like I have found some answers and still searching for others. This is where I am calling on my life "coaches" (yes, that's you) to help me find all the answers that I need. I feel like I have to make sure to follow a schedule, be consistent and combine the blessings of new technology and training. More on those later... please share your thoughts!