Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Saturday Half and It is ONLY 200 Miles Away!!

Ahhhh... it feels so good to have a date and time in mind. We have learned our lesson about waiting to register. The course looks awesome!

Week of January 10th

Only ran twice this last week, but it was better than the week before. The first two miles were so hard- it is amazing how quickly things can deteriorate. However, it felt so good to get running again. Accomplishment and self discipline just feel good. Now, it is time to kick it up a notch- training.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Talk the Talk OR Walk the Walk?

I often have mothering moments that make me stop and think. Recently I was having a very short conversation and the mom in me came out and I got after someone for talking the talk but not walking the walk. It made me think about myself and wonder how many areas I am guilty of talking but not walking.
This year our family grew and we gained an amazing son-in-law who has taught me so much through his love and example. He is just a real, genuine, compassionate good-guy. It isn't because he hasn't had trials, it is because he held on during those trials, learned, grew stronger and was shaped through them. Did I mention he is amazing? =) (He got a pretty amazing girl too =)) Through his example and words he has taught me the real meaning of accountability and has made me want to be more accountable in every area of my life. My mind has been going a million miles an hour and I have thought so much about walking the walk and being accountable.
If I want to succeed in this life, and in particular in my goal of completing a marathon this year with the best running partner ever, it is going to take some accountability and walking the walk. Or in other words, running the run. =)
So, this year I am going to include on my blog such boring reports as the miles that we run each week. My plan is to run four days a week and be ready for the marathon by May.
If I say something really is the way that I feel, then I better be living up to it. The things that are a priority to me need to be treated as such. This year I would like to knock out the things in my life that are important first thing in the morning. If they are important to me... words are empty and action is everything. So my plan at this point is to read my Scriptures first thing in the AM, get my run in and then dedicate myself to the most important people in my life for the remainder of the day. I would also like to schedule regular trips to the Temple and show my Father that He is more important than miscellaneous things that come up and fill my calendar. Be true to my God, my family and myself. Talk is empty if all it is, is desire. I am so grateful for so many real life heroes that I have met who I constantly see on the trail of life walking the walk, or running the run. The walk says everything... here's to more walking and less talking!

Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year, New Lesson, New Start... 2010

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome."

Booker T. Washington

Those of you who have followed along our journey (all three of you! lol) know that running has been so much more than exercise to us. It has been a journey of lessons, spiritual awakening, healing, empowerment, self-discovery and the list goes on. It seems like the longer we work at running the more we can apply those lessons that we learn through running to the very challenges that we face in life. Please bear with me as I run through some of the ways that we have had to learn to apply these lessons in our life.

One of the first things that you learn about while doing long distance running is the different kinds of injuries that you can sustain. Sometimes the pain is just part of the training and should be expected. Other times the pain is something that is a warning and you should listen to, take a break and allow your body to heal. Part of the trick to endurance running is learning the difference and when to push through the pain, welcome it and allow it to make you stronger and when to take notice and just stop. As I go through life I find that once again there is a lesson in running that I can apply to my life.

One thing about blogging, it gives you the opportunity to present a picture that is so amazing and beautiful and often unrealistic or to paint a picture that is so real that as a reader you feel like you have taken the journey with the author whether it was a pretty one or not. That has always been my goal... we aren't perfect, life isn't always pretty and sometimes you just need to work things out and learn as you go.

Clearly from a running point of view, it isn't always a pretty picture for us. As far as life goes, it is the same. That's just life, it can be an endurance run, we just make mistakes,others make mistakes and we get injured- sometimes worse than others, grow, learn, change, become better (hopefully) and have to make a choice to keep going-giving ourselves time to allow the injuries to heal, keep training, finish the race or give up on our goals, accept total defeat and call it quits. OR... there is also the option to not learn the lessons from our injury, keep making the same mistakes, re-injure ourselves, get wounded more severely and possibly even cause permanent damage and ending any chances of ever being able to complete the race we want to run. I guess the answers are found in the things that really are important to us... sometimes that can be a process to figure those out for ourselves.

I think some of the hardest injuries in life to recover from are those we really just don't understand. The ones that seem like the intent was really to hurt you or the ones you love. That is pretty hard to swallow, especially when it someone that you and your loved ones have let so near your heart. Now, having said that, I have to admit even though I don't understand everything I always want to believe the best in people. Maybe, just maybe, others are so lost in their own world and pain that they are just thoughtless to the havoc they are reaping upon those that they come in contact with. Or maybe they think they are being less hurtful by not revealing the truth. Or there is the question that I have to ask, "Are people really so sick that their desire is to hurt others?" This is so foreign to me. I mean, don't mistake... I understand anger. I understand hurt. I understand even lashing out in pain. But I don't understand "pre-meditated" pain inflicted on others- especially those who love you. I guess I hope I never understand such misery. Maybe that is just part of the trial, never understanding and never getting the answers? Or maybe we do have some of the answers...

For now, the training in running and life will go on. Every day we get stronger, even though the pain is there and not understood completely we are better people for it and one day will look back and be grateful for the lessons learned. Every day there is the hope and comfort of the Atonement and the many ways in can affect each person in life, it is real and it is what we have to hold on to. Every day there is a new goal to achieve a new hill to climb. The hills are hard but we sure love the downward run after climbing up. It will all be worth the training, the dedication and the commitment. For now it is time to lace up our shoes, breath in and out and get going down the trail. We say goodbye to 2009 and welcome 2010, with a lot more knowledge, love, understanding and hope.