Monday, May 31, 2010

Slowing Down Right Now

We are supposed to be two weeks away from our marathon today, but a couple of weekends ago we were out for a 16 mile run and had to make a call to get picked up after only 11 miles. I have had my fair share of injuries and Manda has gone without anything except for a blister up to this point, I guess it is her turn now. Her knees were killing her to the point of not being able to run. However, she didn't take any anti-inflammatory before running which our training manual states is very important when you are just beginning long distance and are building up muscle. So... It was very sad at first and a little hard for her to swallow the fact that we weren't going to be ready for the full in two weeks. She fought it and said she was going to run it no matter what, but then gave in to good sense and agreed to postpone long enough to let her body heal and go in strong. Just as in all things as of lately, another valuable life lesson. We are not going to quit just because it didn't work out the way we had been planning, we will just allow ourselves to grow and take it at a slower pace if that is what will be best. We will not quit!!! We will just set another goal and works towards it, see you on the path!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Texas Angels

Sometimes in life the good Lord just sends angels to help you out. That's what I consider my Texas friends who were willing to walk the walk. It made our day a million times more special to be able to share it with some of our friends who decided on their own to walk 13.1 miles in Texas the same day of our marathon in support. It was such fun to get updates via text messaging along the way. Rhonda and Alexa started out together and were joined along the way by Alex, Olivia, Savannah and even the dog! Thanks Y'all... I look forward to the updates along the way during the full marathon. Hopefully, one day we can all walk/run it together in the same state at the same time.